


The assassination attempt on President Trump

Today, everyone you met, even before saying “hello,” immediately commented on the assassination attempt on President Trump. Their faces bore a grimace of...

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Q & A from StudyPortals

Questions from StudyPortals and Answers from ESE founder Elio D’Anna     ESE is proud to be the winner in the category of...

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Stop planning! Stop believing!

Stop planning! Stop believing! The true plan is not in time but in absence of time, that is, in this very moment “Here...

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Employment is a modern form of slavery

Employment is a modern form of slavery To be an employee is the effect of a condition of being   Q. In your...

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Sports for Peace

Football for Peace Charity Dinner     Sport for Peace The great growth of the interest and practice of Sport and motor skills in...

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The economics of everlasting life

The economics of everlasting life   The new economics of the coming decades One day all organizations, from the smallest business to the...

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Schools and Universities have ceased to dream…

Schools and Universities have ceased to dream A real School should exist to bring together dreamers regardless of nationality, color, belief and wealth...

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What Schools and Universities don’t teach you

What Schools and Universities don’t teach you All Schools and Universities teach you how to be ‘something’   without telling you how to...

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Dedicated to the youngest generations…

Dedicated to the youngest generation   To meet the Dreamer you have to be deeply disappointed with your everyday Life and searching desperately...

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Economics of Immortality

Economics of Immortality   The new economics of the coming decades Until now all economic systems have dealt with survival, with people’s basic...

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You are the main Cause of all and everything

You are the main cause of all and everything!   Remember this, and there will be no other discipline to follow Once anyone...

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Qualitative Economy – Qualitative Capitalism

Qualitative Economy Qualitative Capitalism A mere act of attention due to self-observation, may change your inner state, your position in yourself, and get...

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