
Elio D’Anna

"The World is as you Dream it"

The Elio D’Anna’s books “The School for Gods” and “The Technology of the Dreamer” are available in 4 languages in ebook and paperbook versions

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The Humanity to come


The Perspective of Education on the Future of Work


State of Deathlessness


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Freeedom and false Freedom

Time is a buffer a merciful curtain that protects us and prevents us from seeing what we are not yet ready to accept...

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Living without expectations and without memories

Q:. Don’t you think that living without expectations for the future or cultivating memories of the past can take away the pleasure of...

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Once upon a time there was Time.

Once upon a time and now no more: a fancy ‘Organon’ that allowed you to accuse, complain, justify errors and shortcomings, feel remorse,...

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