Today, everyone you met, even before saying “hello,”

immediately commented on the assassination attempt on President Trump.

Their faces bore a grimace of pain. It seemed as though the event itself provoked their reaction, giving them a just cause to show their disdain.

In reality, it is that very cry of pain, that ill feeling that each of us carries inside, which creates not only what we see as violence, but all the disasters and deaths that occur on the planet.

What you witnessed yesterday is a historical recurrence of the manifestation of pain, violence, division, and numerous deaths that humanity carries within itself.

As the United States of America once again faces the violence of its political discourse, reflected in the precedents of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan, you must remember that, as impossible as it may seem, there is no violence, no catastrophe—human or natural—that hasn’t originated within us before unfolding in the world.

This is all you.

Centuries of violence spawn in this very instant by you—by your lack of integrity, lack of self-love, which is the real cause of all disasters, calamities, wars, and destruction.

Remember! All violence is nothing but a mirror reflection of the fear and violence we ourselves carry inside. Humanity harbors a destructive attitude, a ceaseless self-sabotaging and self-assaulting tendency in a desperate attempt to prove that criminality like sickness, poverty, aging and death are forces to powerful to oppose.

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