A School of Being for Children


a school of being for children

“Let’s have our children ready for the new Era of Golden Creative Leisure!”

In ordinary, conventional schools children learn reading, writing, maths, history, literature, geography and discover how long the Thames is, how high Everest is, about the population of New York and how much oil and gas are produced and extracted in Russia, in the States or in the Middle East.
But what they don’t really learn is, how to discover and reveal the real cause of all and everything – their own Being.
They are not taught how to bring out their own dream and will. How to keep one’s inner states free and in harmony, one’s body healthy, one’s very life…. safe. Moreover, they are not taught how to solve problems, overcome crisis, find resources, win battles, fulfil commitments, find resources and how to reach one’s goal effortlessly, and because no child is taught this, many end up, as adults, in the wrong place, wrong job, wrong relationship and, defeated and disappointed, they withdraw in resignation and failure.
A school of being for children should teach them how to study and observe themselves. They grow up and don’t know anything about their own thoughts and emotions and seldom have the opportunity to find out why their life ends up in suffering and failure.
A school of being should convey in every child this very principle: “the world is as it is because you are as you are and not vice-versa”.
However, everything that really counts and matters in life is not taught in conventional schools and universities. They are worthless and deleterious…..
Schools should support children to keep their own dream alive, to become free from any conditionings coming from outside and capable to lead their own life through self-awareness and will, inner understanding and love (a-mors) that is, the Golden Creative Leisure.
A message of ESE and its founder to all men and women of good Will:
”We are rapidly moving towards a “not-doing civilization where truth, goodness, beauty and the pursuit of happiness are the pillars of a shining new economically evolved society. One day a dreaming society will no longer work. A humanity that loves will be rich enough to dream and infinitely rich because it dreams.”