Happy Birthday America

America has always represented the dream of a New World


On the Fourth of July, America stops to celebrate Independence Day, commemorative of the historic unanimous declaration of independence made by the then thirteen states – actual Birth Certificate of the United States of America.

This date is emblematic of the American Dream, the Americans became the paladins of liberty and western security – and America the Promised Land, the Utopia where to realize the Impossible Dream and the Never Never Land of boundless prairies and infinite opportunity. In recent years, perhaps to avoid the dissipation of this image so woven of hopes and dreams, other aspects of the American reality are overlooked: the internal contradictions, the racial strife and subsequent elimination of young black leaders, international intrigue and political and financial scandal mass murderers and murdering in masses to arrive at the phenomenon of terrorism that has more than anything else bowed optimistic heads from looking faithfully toward the unmovable Happy End – founding principle of the American Dream.


Right to Happiness


Today, July 4, in sending best wishes to America, we can take act of some positive American values and recognize, besides her great expanses, the basis of her power in some fundamental conquests: the genius of organization and the positive results her faith in education and technology brought where she wisely invested more than anyone else like Bill Gates. The greatest element, for which we should always be grateful to the United States of America, is the affirmation of a right never before guaranteed in any Paper or Declaration, in world history.

The Civil Rights Paper which preludes the birth of the United States affirms, “man has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…,”

The pursuit of happiness!

An affirmation so different to upset the old order of the world tumbling down century old prejudices able to vibrate the immense assembly of humankind and put in motion millions of men towards the conquest of their dignity. That man has the right to happiness is born from a vision able to throw off the charts the entire old mental scheme of a defeated humanity. It’s the glowing idea able to pay our debts and give us and end. Man was not cursed forever. Suffering, ageing, getting sick and dying are not unavoidable sentences and can no longer be accepted as final destination of man and his natural condition.