Be permanently alive, active in your body..

Move out of anything that could sabotage your inner Life


Be permanently alive, active in your body

Move out of anything that could sabotage your inner Life.

Be permanently alive, active in your body.

Make your Life better all the time.

Step out of your memory and personal history that you believe you have been living up to now.

Accept the fact that you are not getting older, but going to keep changing and getting better all the time.


You are creating a world that is full, complete, whole. A Life that gives Life to all and everything. All your energy has to be invested in breaking through the barrier of ageing, disease and death. You have to be fertile and producing in your flesh here a world that has never been.  You have to be ageless and deathless right now or you’ ll never be.  If you see death as something inevitable or invincible, then you are already setting up some reason to die.

There is something in your body of grief, of pain. 

There is a sense of failure. 

There is something in your being that prevents you from realizing that you are already physically immortal now. 

If you feel embarassed at the idea that you are physically immortal now, is a signal of limitation that you are sending to your body. A sense of limitation invites sickness and ageing.


Don’ t think that it is too late for you. 

It is never too late to start feeding something different in yourself. 

It is only too late when you die.


Dying is not the way out.  Suicide is not the way out.  Living is the way out.  Fear and pain can only live for a determined span of time.  Outlive your fear.  Outlive your pain.  You have just to remember Immortality, you don’ t have to create it.

It is already established!