Permanent Victory

Permanent victory V


Be in a winning state

reality will follow


Permanent Victory, Act in a winning manner when the evidence of defeat is all around you. Act as if you were in possession of victory just for a moment, and then the next moment and the next, and you will see reality miraculously transformed in a permanent victory before your very eyes.

The most difficult and painful moments are opportunities to penetrate new zones of power. When you feel that pain inside, don’t run away from it… stop! Remain there, in stillness. If you cannot grasp these opportunities and live moments of suspension, you will exist in a continual state of identification; existence bends and degrades, and in time, without realizing it, you find yourself indulging and repeating the life of thousands of men and women before you.’

The world is you. The world lives everything that you live. The Dreamer has brought you the most advanced technology for living a life without opposites… a life from which war and sickness have been eliminated. Impose freedom, integrity, and beauty upon yourself – this is the secret to unceasing happiness, to never-ending victory and success.  The way you are in this very instant is spreading out in all directions, creating simultaneously what you have been and what you will be.

It is possible to eliminate war, poverty, old age, sickness and death in this very instant. To do it, you must take the world on your shoulders, like Atlas. The world suffers because you suffer.  You must take on responsibility to make all suffering disappear from the world, including death. When you know that you are the origin of everything, you also know that every evil eliminated on the inside also disappears from the outside.

The world is as it is , because you are as you are Do you want to change the world? Change yourself. Don’t waste your life trying to change the others. Start with yourself. Man is a prisoner in a self-created prison. He has one freedom – to count his steps inside his cell, but he never dreams of escaping it. Leaving this prison would be more painful than staying in captivity. It takes courage to abandon the world’s description, and rebel against this destiny of growing old, getting sick and dying.

When you realize that it is your ‘No’ attitude that creates the world outside you, that world will have no more power over you. You will be master of your emotions, and life will become a paradise on earth. When you have eliminated all doubt, right down to the last atom, and filled your whole being with a sense of permanent victory, the world can do nothing but reflect it. This state of completeness, this totality of Being is what Christianity calls ‘faith.’ This is not spirituality, but the Art of Doing.