Having is Being
It is not by having that one can accomplish and be
but it is by being that one can accomplish and therefore have.
Economist working towards development should have realized by now, after more than half a century of failed international aids to third world countries, that it is impossible to help a country externally if it is not ready in its level of being, if it has not reached a rich heritage of ideas (ethical, esthetical, religious, philosophic, scientific etc) and in its value system.
For many of these countries just by reconnecting with their age-old wisdom
and the essence of their origins
and by nourishing their oldest values would be enough to lead them to wellbeing in their lives.
The acknowledgement that ‘Having is Being’ removes one of the oldest prejudices of man and revolutionizes his conceptual schemes.
It is not by having that one can accomplish and be
but it is by being that one can accomplish and therefore have.
The surmounting of this form of collective hypnosis means to leave behind a flat notion of the word and take on a vertical notion. The existence of reality and of infinite levels of being. ‘Having is Being’ is the key to understanding the most complex and vital questions regarding man’s life and the organisational systems and explains the diversity of their destinies.
Since the beginning of time civilization’s dominant idea and prevalent conception has been that one must have in order to accomplish and hence to be but it is time to change it.
A man, a country, a civilization have the capability to accomplish and possess only that which they have conquered in their being; events, circumstances in their history and all that they have encountered, good or bad, perfectly correlates to their level of being, to the extension of their ideas and to the profoundness of their values.
In nature just as in economy every recovery has proceeded from the internal to the external, from the invisible to the visible, from being to having.