In the midst of everyday activity

Seize the center of your inner being and…..
In the midst of any affair or business, seize the center of your inner being and….. be there! In front of you the roll of time inexorably unfolds itself and actualizes what you believe to be out of your control and understanding.
Q. What can I do?
Elio. Stop being reactive!
In order to accomplish anything remarkable, you must be able to rise above controversies, jealousies, envies, and not to react to any petty personal offence or attack.
Being reactive can never change your life.
Learn how to change the course of events by being proactive instead, that means, to create and move mountains by being still, silent, alert, and joyful within.
Simply observe yourself….. Look within yourself, without judging, without criticising, without identifying.
Whenever alone or in the midst of everyday activities, be constantly aware of yourself.
This is what really matters.
In Self-awareness lie all possibilities.