Man’s highest possible freedom


An individual revolution

People believe that man can be changed solely by education but an education coming from the outside will never help man achieve his highest possible freedom.

There have been many leaders, revolutionaries, philosophers, visionaries, reformers, dictators, popes, kings and emperors, who have attempted to change or improve the life of man, but they didn’t succeed because they tried external means such as religions, all kind of disciplines, education, politics, psychological pressure, external knowledge and technology.

Even now at present time, people believe that man can be changed solely by education, and that higher education for everybody will solve all problems.

An education coming from the outside will never help man achieve his highest possible freedom, freedom from the description of the world, false ideas, fears, doubts, beliefs, superstition, from internal and external pressure, freedom from a second hand and obsolete knowledge.

For a man to establish a stable and happy life
and be completely free,
he has to go through an individual revolution
– an inside-out process made of self-knowledge
and inner understanding