A few minutes of absolute silence
are enough to adjust the world
There is no one and nothing else outside of Now
… a few minute of absolute silence…
You are always dealing with yourself, but once you have won the war with time, there will be no wars at all, neither inside nor out.
Only the Now counts: the past is imaginary, history is mere imagination, historic characters are actors in a comedy written in this very instant, who enact a script dictated by your own fantasy. There is no one and nothing else outside of Now. Everything is a marvelous invention. Everything happens Now.
Q.: How do you explain, then, that I perfectly remember my parents, me as a child, my experiences, my travels all over the world, thousands of people I have met, my wife and my children, a profession, a business, victories and defeats, joy and sorrow?
A.: All that you believe to have happened in the past is actually happening in this very instant. There is no moment before and none after: everything happens Now. There is nothing outside of Now. Now is the beginning and end of every cycle – from the atom to God – of the past, the present and the future. Defeats don’t exist in the Now, but only victories. There is no sickness in the Now, but only healing. Problems, defeats and errors are only in your imagination.
Q.: How can we believe in something like the Now, that barely lasts an instant?
A.: What has no limits cannot be governed by time. The Now is omnipresent and almighty. In the Now there is no space for lying. In the Now there is no time for dying.
[…] L’ampliamento della visione, e l’innalzamento dell’essere hanno radice nell’approfondimento del respiro. L’uomo ordinario è caos e per questo inimmaginabilmente lontano da tutto questo. Il lavoro parte da noi stessi, dobbiamo portare ordine in noi, essere l’ordine. Dobbiamo governare, e non essere governati, com’è stato finora, dalle emozioni e dalle immaginazioni negative, le stesse in cui l’umanità si identifica perdendosi in un mare di ombre. Un giorno sentirete la bellezza di questo lavoro e cercherete di stare da soli con l’unico scopo di disseppellire questa forza che è dentro di voi e che vuole manifestarsi. Raggiungerai uno stato di pienezza che vorrai sigillarlo al mondo e al tempo, senza permettere a un solo atomo di negatività di penetrare. Questi sono i momenti in cui si aggiusta il mondo intero. […]
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